Thursday, March 10, 2016

Calcium - 4. Delayed Appreciation

The delayed appreciation of the significance of calcium in plant nutrition may be laid at the doorstep of a confused thinking about liming and soil acidity. The absence of lime in many soils of the non-temperate zone has long been known. Lime in different forms such as chalk, marl, gypsum or land plaster, has been a soil treatment for centuries. Lime was used in Rome in times B.C., and the Romans used it in England in the first century A.D. Chalking the land is an old practice in the British Isles. The calcareous deposits like “The White Cliffs of Dover” were appreciated in soil improvement for centuries before they were commemorated in song. Liming the soil is a very ancient art, but a very recent science of agriculture. It was when Liebig, Lawes and Gilbert and other scientists began to focus attention on the soil as source of chemical elements for plant nutrition that nitrogen, soluble phosphate, and potassium became our first fertilizers. It was then that the element calcium and the practice of liming were put into the background. Unfortunately for the wider appreciation of calcium, this element in the form of gypsum was regularly a large part of the acid phosphate that was applied extensively in fertilizer to deliver phosphorus. Strange as it may seem, superphosphate fertilizer carries more calcium than it does phosphorus, and consequently calcium has been used so anonymously or incidentally that its services have not been appreciated. Fertilizers have held our thought. Calcium was an unnoticed concomitant. It has been doing much for which the other parts of the fertilizers were getting credit. Appreciation of the true significance of calcium in plant nutrition was therefore long delayed.

More recently soil acidity has held attention. This again has kept calcium out of the picture. Credit for the service of liming has been going to the carbonates with which calcium is associated in limestone. It was a case of the common fallacy in reasoning, namely the ascribing of causal significance to contemporaneous behaviors. Here is the line of reasoning: “Limestone put on the soil lessens the acidity, and limestone put on the soil grows clover. Therefore the change in acidity must be the cause of the growing clover.” Therefore the change in acidity must be the cause of the growing clover. At the same time, there was disregarded the other possible deduction, namely: “Limestone put on the soil applies the plant nutrient calcium. Therefore the applied calcium must be the cause of the growth of clover.”

The labeling of calcium as fertilizer element of first importance was delayed because scientists, like other boys, enjoyed playing with their toys. The advent of electrical instruments inducement to measure soil acidity everywhere. The pH values were determined on slight provocations and causal significance widely ascribed to them, when as a matter of fact the degree of acidity like temperature is a condition and not a cause of many soil chemical reactions.  Because this blind alley of soil acidity was accepted as a thoroughfare so long and because no simple instrument for measuring calcium ionization was available, it has taken extensive plant studies to demonstrate the hidden calcium hungers in plants responsible in turn for hidden but more extensive hungers in animals. Fortunately, a truce has recently been declared in the fight on soil acidity. What was once considered a malady is now considered a beneficial condition of the soil. Instead of a bane, soil acidity is a blessing in that many plant nutrients applied to such soil are made more serviceable by its presence, and soil acidity is an index of how seriously our attention must go to the declining soil fertility.

Now we face new concepts of the mechanisms of plant nutrition. By means of studies using only the colloidal, or finer, clay fraction of the soil, it was learned that this soil portion is really an acid. It is also highly buffered or takes on hydrogen, calcium, magnesium, and any other cations in relatively large quantities to put them out of solution and out of extensive ionic activities. It demonstrated that because of its insolubility, it can hide away many plant nutrients so that pure water will not remove them, yet salt solutions will exchange with them. This absorption and exchange activity of clay is the basic principle that serves in the plant nutrition. This concept comes as a by-product of the studies of calcium in relation to soil acidity.

Imagine that a soil consists of some calcium-bearing minerals of silt size mixed with acid clays. The calcium-bearing mineral interacts with the hydrogen of the acid clay. The hydrogen goes to the mineral in exchange for the calcium going to the clay. Imagine further that the plant root enters into this clay and mineral mixture. It does so more readily because of the presence of the clay. It excretes carbon dioxide (possibly other compounds) into this moist mixture to give carbonic acid with its ionized hydrogen to carry on between the root acid and the clay particle and the mineral. The hydrogen from the root exchanges with the calcium absorbed on the clay in close contact.

Thus plant nutrition is a trading business between root and mineral with the clay serving as the jobber, or the “go-between”. The clay takes the hydrogen offered by the root, trades it to the silt minerals for the calcium and then passes the calcium to the root. Thus nutrients, like calcium, and other positive ions as well, pass from the minerals to the clay and to the root, while hydrogen or acidity, is passing in the opposite direction to weather out of the soil its nutrients mineral reserve and leave finally the acid clay mixed with unweatherable quartz sand. Acid soils are, then, merely the indication of nutrient depletion.
- Excerpt from Albrecht's Foundation Concepts - The Albrecht Papers Vol. 1 - pgs. 149-150

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